Mandodari in Ramayana


Mandodari was the daughter of the celestial architect, Mayasura, and the apsara (celestial nymph) Hema. She was renowned for her beauty and virtues. Mandodari was married to Ravana, the king of Lanka, and they had three sons together: Meghanada (Indrajit), Atikaya, and Akshayakumara.

Role in Ramayana

Mandodari's role in the Ramayana is of a dutiful wife who advises her husband to follow the path of righteousness. Despite being the wife of Ravana, she was a devout follower of Lord Shiva and was known for her wisdom and chastity. She often tried to persuade Ravana to return Sita to Rama and avoid the impending doom. However, her advice was ignored by Ravana.

During the War

During the war between Rama and Ravana, Mandodari constantly pleaded with her husband to end the conflict and return Sita. After Ravana's death, Mandodari mourned her husband's death and blamed his arrogance and lust for his downfall. Despite her husband's faults, Mandodari remained loyal to Ravana till the end.

After the War

After Ravana's death, Vibhishana was crowned the king of Lanka. As per some versions of the Ramayana, Mandodari was married to Vibhishana, as it was customary for the victor to marry the vanquished's widow. Mandodari, however, is largely seen as a symbol of loyalty and marital fidelity, who stood by her husband in spite of his many faults.